New job
02 Nov 2024
First week at the new job has been incredibly refreshing. Everyone is so nice and I really love the mission statement of Bloomfield Robotics. Even if it is still the honeymoon phase, it’s good to change things up and move towards discomfort rather than staying with something you know.
Despite doing a bunch of on-boarding and being mentally drained at the end of the day, I still managed to keep up the pace with Orvash. I finally fixed the sine wave bug that was plaguing me for a few weeks. The platform layer is functional to the point where the game code can begin. I’m still work-shopping some ideas on what I want Orvash to look like, and deciding what things I am going to keep from Entree.
Also Zig mixing snake case, camel case, and title case is madness. Even more so that the formatter doesn’t enforce these rules. Zig is pretty great, but I really miss the tooling that Go and Rust have.